
Friday, December 10, 2010

a 3D building

First off, an update about NaNoWriMo. I finished my novel on the 29th of November at around three in the morning. I haven't looked at it since, because I've decided that December I'll let it sit and I'll hopefully come back to it in January with some fresh eyes.

And now, here's a 3D model I've been trying to work on, to teach myself how to do better 3D modeling. I based this off an image in the "Final Fantasy XII Art Collection" book that came with my players' guide. I've got it about as modeled as I want to make it, and now I'm working on texturing it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just passed the halfway point... late...

So NaNoWriMo is going pretty well, although every other day is a struggle lately...

I just passed the halfway point on the word count and it's technically 2 days after halfway through the month.

I'm starting to wonder whether I care... But I want to succeed. I only hope I'll be able to catch up on Saturday...

Monday, November 15, 2010

halfway through NaNoWriMo

For all of you reading this (and for now I'll assume you're basically just imagined) I thought I might explain why I haven't posted anything new this month.

This month I've been doing NaNoWriMo. I'm writing a book this month. And I don't know whether I'll care to read it when I'm done. I'm about 3000 words behind and hope to catch up this weekend if my Saturday isn't too full.

Before this month, I spent a lot of time looking for work or playing a game to avoid thinking about how badly I needed to find work. I got a job in June, so things area better, but I still need to make more.

I'm hoping that working with my friend's company on some projects will help me get enough to survive, but in the mean time, I'll just keep looking, I suppose.

And the goal of drawing and posting will still go on, if a bit neglected.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Idea revised

Here's that idea again, with a redrawn moon and fox thing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

UPDATE (a slightly more than half-formed idea :p)

I put a moon in the top right and changed the tree to try to make it in a similar style to the fox.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yet another half-formed idea

Here's an idea I've been messing with lately... I should really start posting some finished stuff...

So with this image, I get the feeling I should throw something in to the top right corner, but I'm not sure what...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Finally a new post!

Here's a work in progress. I just want the record straight that I started drawing this BEFORE I ever saw Avatar. This is in no way a derivative nor a tribute.